Well I do seem to have doing this sort of thing now for the past 4 years, chasing my FPS. I keep telling myself not to worry too much about it and that mid 30FPS is fine for what I need. But strangely my GPU an RTX3070ti was giving me on occasion 40-55FPS depending on location and the type of aircraft I was flying. Then all of a sudden with no changes in settings from me it drops back into the mid 30FPS again??? The GPU utilization is very low at about 35% for most of my GA Aircraft for some reason, which I do not think is right. So last night I headed off down that FPS rabbit hole again for the evening trying to sort out the issues ( why cannot it not just operate at a steady FPS each time I fly I would be happy). YouTube again watching Jayz2cents and his simple fixes for GPU's helped a bit I think, someone else's tech tips advised switching off all the V Synch options, which also helped.
So how did I go about fixing it:
Downloaded TimeSpy for a bench test with a score of 9, 999 and 10,483 not sure what that means to be honest
I got a baseline FPS from 10 GA aircraft all sitting on the same ramp in few clouds weather and the same traffic scenario for each. At an addon Airport KSEE in the USA.
This took a while as I reverted back to the main menu for each change.
Wrote down all the FPS avg after 1 min
Out of interest the Carenado PC12 and the A2A Commanche returned the worst FPS at 32. The best being the V35 Bonanza and the C172 at 41
Once I had all those I changed my settings from DX11 to DX12, TAA to DLSS - V synch off - left the graphic setting on Balanced. Turned off the FPS restriction in Nvidia settings Global and Program.
Re ran TimeSpy results were similar 9,999 (not sure if that is the best it can reach) 10,746 (GPU utilization was up to 99% so nothing wrong with the GPU)
Then I Re-tested all the aircraft with the same in game settings etc.
Result was an improvement in FPS by on avg about 20% on each and the GPU utilization going up to about 60% for each one. Still not enough.
Best was of course the C152 with 52fps and worst was the Commanche at 42fps still it was an improvement and a bit happier.
I will wait to see if I am happy next time I log in to fly.
Top tip write everything down settings wise that you have and what you change it to so can revert back. Or photograph it with your phone probs a bit quicker..
I am not sure I will ever get the settings right maybe that's what Microsoft want, maybe they are in collusion with the GPU manufacturers making us constantly upgrade. I am getting tempted to buy a RTX4070ti but I am unsure if it will improve anything. Maybe with the extra Frame generation setting I will be forever happy, but me being the Pessimist I know that I can never be happy.
Keep checking in my posts to see if I take the plunge for an new GPU to solve all my problems and let me know if you have any comments.
Should I upgrade my CPU first or maybe my RAM??
Am I doing anything wrong
Can you give me any advice